Ep 297- “Backyard Roller Coaster”

Ep 297-

This week’s guest, Tim Holmes, has had an unusual life. At age 7, his family moved to South America to live in a castle while his father dredged the Amazon River for gold. Later, in his teenage years, he attempted to build a roller coaster in his family’s backyard. Soon he fell in love with movies and struck out to follow that passion. Tim is a high energy creative who pursues his passions and in doing so has many adventures. Join us for a fun and at times heartfelt episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 272- Halloween Special 2023

Ep 272-

Hello Weirdsvile! Happy Halloween! This week we take a break from our regular spooky business and get into the Halloween spirit! It’s our Halloween round table discussion of some of our favorite spoOOoooky things from film, tv, literature and more! Ghosts! Vampires! Monsters! Demonic killers and more! Special Correspondent and List Master Tilly joins the boys for our Pumpkin Party list-off on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 244- Preston Corbell : Stunt Beast

Ep 244-

From the “weird occupations” files of Weirdsville,our guest on this episode is Mr. Preston Corbell, the Stunt Beast. For over 20 years, Preston was a real deal Hollywood stunt actor. From TV teen drama to slasher horror genre to DC superheroes and more, Preston has pretty much done it all. A behind the scenes look at the people behind the scenes and a little bit of Moth Man thrown in for fun on this week’s explosive episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 209 – “The Most Evil Game in the World!”

Ep 209 –

(Trigger warning: child abuse, self harm, murder) This week, hosts Barry and Adam travel back in time to the heady days of the 1970s and 80s. It was a time of innocence and wonder. It was also a time of ignorance and fear! it was the time of the SATANIC PANIC! We throw our gaze to focus on just one of the many targets of rumor, blame and outrage during this moral crisis; the most evil game in the world…. Dungeons and Dragons! (insert spooky echo effect) Adam provides a brief history of the hysteria not unlike those seen in the most recent series of Netflix’s Stranger Things. It’s another ramble down memory lane on this week’s twenty-sided episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!