Ep 297- “Backyard Roller Coaster”

Ep 297-

This week’s guest, Tim Holmes, has had an unusual life. At age 7, his family moved to South America to live in a castle while his father dredged the Amazon River for gold. Later, in his teenage years, he attempted to build a roller coaster in his family’s backyard. Soon he fell in love with movies and struck out to follow that passion. Tim is a high energy creative who pursues his passions and in doing so has many adventures. Join us for a fun and at times heartfelt episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 190- “The Worst Movie Ever Made”

Ep 190

This week on the podcast we speak to Jackey Neyman Jones. When Jackey was a little girl she played the roll of Debbie in the cult classic movie MANOS: the HANDS of FATE! From on set memories to premiere night to hunting down a lost film and the birth of an Mystery Science Theatre 3000 classic, Jackey’s tale is unlike any other weird story we have heard before. All that and more on this week’s no-budget episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

and look for Jackey’s book “Growing Up with Manos the Hands of Fate”