Ep 244- Preston Corbell : Stunt Beast

Ep 244-

From the “weird occupations” files of Weirdsville,our guest on this episode is Mr. Preston Corbell, the Stunt Beast. For over 20 years, Preston was a real deal Hollywood stunt actor. From TV teen drama to slasher horror genre to DC superheroes and more, Preston has pretty much done it all. A behind the scenes look at the people behind the scenes and a little bit of Moth Man thrown in for fun on this week’s explosive episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep- 217 “Alien, Wizard,Robot or Iggy Pop?”

Ep 217-

Barry & Adam are known for asking the hard hitting questions. This week on the podcast is no exception as they discuss and debate one of the most important questions of our time: Which famous people are Aliens, Wizards, Robots or something other? It’s a thought provoking special episode (or maybe not) brought to you by the fine folks of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!