Ep 63- V-Man Strong

   It’s Hammer time! 
   This week on the podcast, the boys talk to Josh Hayes, a.k.a. Hammer, another old friend of Adam. Hammer has a ton of interesting and weird stories. His family has a history of spirituality, visions, and connections beyond the veil. He also has some great stories about being an American kid growing up in Iceland. 
   Josh also dropped by for a cause, his newborn son VincentVincent was born with some medical issues, and we are hoping to spread the word to help the little guy out. (details below) Angels, demons, ghosts, Iceland and the Hammer. All that and more in this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast. #

HELP VINCENT/V-MAN! Please help with donations or spreading the word about this special little guy.
The Brave NICU Adventure of V-Man https://www.facebook.com/vman.strong/
Go Fund Me for V-Man

Hammer feeding V-Man.
V-Man’s first smile pic. That’s a great smile.
V-Man’s first Halloween. A born hero!

Episode 59: ” It’s Got a Name, It’s SPOOK 50″

Episode 59
This week, we hear tales of the legendary haunted KC-135 Stratotanker SPOOK 50, as told by one of the pilots that flew her! Jack Hancock shares the weird history of this unusual aircraft and his own experiences aboard. Gremlins, ghosts, shadows and tragic death aboard a 60 plus year old jet. SPOOK 50 earns its name in spades! All that and more (including Barry starting a cult) on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 49-“Suddenly Everybody Is Screaming”

    This week, we are joined by Eastern North Carolina native Shaun Crawford. Like many of us, Shaun and his buddies had a curious and adventurous nature in his youth. He also grew up in a small town, boiling over with boredom. 
    To fight the boredom, Shaun and his friends would take up the mission to track down some local urban legends and ghost stories of the surrounding area in that last-minute-let’s-go-do-something-because-we are-bored teenager mindset. Hilarity ensues. 
    Haunted Houses, ghost trains, and Acid Park, plus Russian face altering AI and Storming Area 51. All that and more in this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 39: “Humps in the Water”

Episode 39:

This week we talk to cryptozoologist and author Scott Mardis. In 1994, Scott was witness to a sighting of the Lake Champlain Monster known as Champ. Scott has spent the last 20-odd years researching Champ and other aquatic cryptids as well as spent time in the field searching for the beast. (Or is it beasts?)
  The result is a great episode with a great discussion and a new addition to the ever growing map of Weirdsville, Lake Weird! (Ok it’s not a real map yet, maybe we will draw one up in the future.) Oh and hey, Scott provided us with some pics and a link to his book available on Amazon in a Kindle edition.

available on Amazon click here

Help fund Scott’s research by donating to his GoFunMe.

Episode 27: Ghost of Gladstone Villas

Image provided by Andrew Dexter.
     From across the sea we received our first listener write in story. Andrew Dexter from the United Kingdom shared stories from his childhood in Wales living in a haunted house called Gladstone Villas. 

Special Correspondent, Resident Bigfoot Expert and Voice-of-the-Listener, Jeff Hubbard acts as our stand-in Andrew ( a Standrew) and regails the story of the Ghost of Gladstone Villas. All that and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Please rate us 5 stars, leave us reviews and comments on iTunes and our various social media platforms which will be read on future episodes of the podcast! Plus all ratings enter you into a drawing for a mystery prize!
follow us:
IG: @whatsyerweirdstory Twitter @whatsyerweird Facebook page: facebook.com/whatsyerweirdstory/

If YOU have a weird story, and you want to share, we want to hear it! Follow and contact us through our various social platforms or via email: [email protected] or call the hotline (513) 909-9821

Episode 20 “The Owls Are Not What They Seem” or Micah & Gary’s Strange Adventures

Episode 20
The Devil’s Tree,
Bernards Township, New Jersey
photo provided by Gary

Micah & Gary, another pair of old friends, join us this week to take us on a journey into the strange and unusual. Gary provides the stories and Micah bring the arcane and obscure knowledge. From haunted farm houses, to the New Jersey Devil’s Tree, and scenes that could be plucked right out of a David Lynchian movie, strap yourself in this is a long, fun ride.

Gary has provided us with some photos from his Devil’s Tree adventure. 

Mystery foamy substance.

Stone at base of the tree.
Gary and the Devil’s Tree. 

Check out Micah’s website www.minorprofitpress.com for his fiction work, including his excellent graphic novel Heaven’s War with art by Michael Gaydos, co-creator of Marvel Comics’ Jessica Jones.

Please rate us 5 stars, leave us reviews and comments on iTunes and our various social media platforms which will be read on future episodes of the podcast! Plus all ratings enter you into a drawing for a mystery prize!

  follow us:

IG: whatsyerweirdstory Twitter@whatsyerweird Facebook page: facebook.com/whatsyerweirdstory/

If YOU have a weird story, and you want to share, we want to hear it! Follow and contact us through our various social platforms or via email: [email protected] or call the hotline (513) 909-9821

Episode 15: “I Need to Brush Up on My Cheyenne”

     This week, Adam and Barry are joined by Special Correspondent Jeff Hubbard as they talk to their old schoolmate Becky, who has lots of stories about ghostly encounters and a notorious Bigfoot caught on security videotape at the casino where she used to work. 
    Plus tales of Little People, Skinwalkers, dog men and much more on the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? podcast!


Episode 12: There’s Something Weird About This?

Pointy headed Biohazard suits 

This week on the What’s Yer Weird Story? Podcast our guest Josh Brookshire brings us two bizarre tales. First, a late night journey home takes a turn to the weird, followed by our first serial killer story, Pazuzu Algarad.

Pazuzu Algarad’s Mugshot
Special Correspondent Jeff Hubbard
PLUS…Introducing our Special Correspondent, Bigfoot Expert and Voice of the Listener….Jeff Hubbard. You may remember Jeff (and his sister, Kim) from the We Got a Ouija Board for X-Mas episode. Jeff is joining the team to read your social media reviews and comments, as well as an occasional guest interviewer.
Annnnnnnd…it’s host Barry Johnston’s birthday!!!! (BYO Cake)
All that, and it’s co-host Barry Johnston’s birthday!!!

Episode 10- “Supernatural Meth”


   Just in time for Halloween, this week we are joined by Brandon Robbins, who has loads of spooky stories to share. Mysterious hooded figures, the shadow of death and an honest-to-goodness Halloween tale, this week on the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast! BoooOOOOOOooooo!!!