Episode 20 “The Owls Are Not What They Seem” or Micah & Gary’s Strange Adventures

Episode 20
The Devil’s Tree,
Bernards Township, New Jersey
photo provided by Gary

Micah & Gary, another pair of old friends, join us this week to take us on a journey into the strange and unusual. Gary provides the stories and Micah bring the arcane and obscure knowledge. From haunted farm houses, to the New Jersey Devil’s Tree, and scenes that could be plucked right out of a David Lynchian movie, strap yourself in this is a long, fun ride.

Gary has provided us with some photos from his Devil’s Tree adventure. 

Mystery foamy substance.

Stone at base of the tree.
Gary and the Devil’s Tree. 

Check out Micah’s website www.minorprofitpress.com for his fiction work, including his excellent graphic novel Heaven’s War with art by Michael Gaydos, co-creator of Marvel Comics’ Jessica Jones.

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