Ep 343- “They Come Find Me”

Ep 343-

Joining us this week is author and podcaster, Remington Keyes. Since his youth, Remi has been surrounded by strange, paranormal experiences. Unlike a lot of paranormal enthusiast, Remi doesn’t go out of his way to find spirits and ghosts… they find him! It could be in his bloodline too, as his family contains shaman, priest, and even skinwalkers (not that he will say that particular word.) So dodge those phantom cars, wave at your grannies ghost and pull out that one chair for the Jamaican spirit entity and join us for another super-natural episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 338- “It’s Gonna End Weird”

Ep 338-

Our guest this week is Bree, who was a guest in the early days of the podcast. All the way back in episode 72 “Your Friend’s Cold Heart,” Bree shared some freakin’ spooky stories from when she was living in her friend’s haunted house. Now she is back with follow ups to those stories and more supernatural activities. Oh! it’s a spine tingling episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 292- “Have You Seen the Old Man Yet?”

Ep 292-

Joining us this week is Tom Stewart, paranormal investigator and host of the podcast My Paranormal Story. Tom is a natural born storyteller and fortunately for us, he’s also had a hat load of creepy paranormal experiences. From sharing a haunted bedroom to exploring historic graveyards and more, Tom has got it all. So join us as we romp around New England for some good old spookiness on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 277- “Bright Soul Light” with Daniel Jackson

Ep 277-

This week’s guest is Podcaster and psychic Daniel Jackson. On Beyond the Veil, Daniel and his guest discuss all manner of psychic subjects. On our podcast, Daniel shares many of his incredible experiences from a lifetime of see spirits. From dark energies to floating skulls, angels to the fabled tall hat shadow man, Daniel truly sees beyond the veil. Join us for another enlightening (and some might say controversial) episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 273- “Not All Spirits Are Jerks” with Frances Ulman

Ep 273-

About a decade ago, this week’s guest’s life took a radical 180 degree turn. Frances Ulman was a clinical psychologist and staunch atheist when she start hearing voices. These voices were opening her up to the spirit world, and opening her eyes to the world at large. Join us as we talk with this globe hoping shaman and seeker of knowledge. Listen to her podcast Not All Spirits Are Jerks for even more of her adventures. Spirits, Shamen, trickster like guides and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 272- Halloween Special 2023

Ep 272-

Hello Weirdsvile! Happy Halloween! This week we take a break from our regular spooky business and get into the Halloween spirit! It’s our Halloween round table discussion of some of our favorite spoOOoooky things from film, tv, literature and more! Ghosts! Vampires! Monsters! Demonic killers and more! Special Correspondent and List Master Tilly joins the boys for our Pumpkin Party list-off on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 268- “Sign of the Psychic”

Ep 268-

This week we are joined again by author, psychic and fan favorite Bernadette Gold! Listeners might recall Bernadette‘s extraordinary stories working as a psychic aiding in missing persons and other gruesome true crimes cases. This time Bernadette shares a story of possession removal as well as enlightens us on her abilities and how she honed them. One of our most requested return guest is back to brighten our lives on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 261- “Natural Born Clairvoyant”

Ep 261-

This week on the podcast we are joined by Bernadette Gold: Natural Born Clairvoyant. Bernadette has had amazing abilities since she was a very small child. After learning to control these abilities, she started to use them to help others. From tracking people who have disappeared to solving crimes to fighting off frightening entities, Bernadette has loads of incredible tales. So join us for your weekly dose of true life stories and weird news on the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 243- “Ghost of John Crapper”

Ep 243-

Joining us this week on the podcast is Timothy Wayne Williams. An artist and former heavy metal drummer, Tim is known for his landscape oil paintings that often feature a special surprise… a hidden Bigfoot! Tim tells us about his art practice, and if that wasn’t enough, he’s got a couple of cool supernatural stories as well! So jump on the tour bus or dust off your paint brushes and join us for this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 230 – “My Brand of Bullshit”

Ep 230-

Joining us this week from beautiful upstate New York, is Mike. A podcaster of 10 years, Mike is the co-host of The What Cast. Mike brings with him some truly creepy spook stories from his childhood growing up in a haunted house. Michael J. Fox is also referenced a couple of times in our conversation too. Ghostly figures, the rise of A.I., Superman in Congress and more on this week’s naturally super episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!