Ep 276- “Psychedelic Wild Child” Life in the Source Family with Dawn Hurwitz

Ep 276-

To some people, the Source Family was a spiritual movement; to others it was a cult. To this week’s guest, Dawn Hurwitz, the were a family. After leaving her home in Chicago in the late 1960’s and landed in sunny Los Angeles outside the Source Restaurant. Thus began her life as a member of the Source Family and subsequently one of Father Yod’s many wives. Hippies, sex, drugs, rock n’ roll and more on this week’s groovy episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 206 – “Don’t Open the Front Door”

Ep 206-

This week joining us from sunny L.A. California is Jackie! Originally from Youngstown, Ohio, where many of her stories take place, Jackie has had more than a few encounters of the weird kind. From pre-teen close encounters to red-eye mothmen, and living in a house that was also a spiritual battlefield. Flying cryptids, friendly old man ghosts, low flying unidentified aircraft and much more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 188 – “Two Minutes is a Long Time “

ep 188-

This week our guest from sunny California is Ron Yavnieli. Ron is an animator, illustrator, voice artist, producer, instructor and creator of the DreamWorks series Gorillaville. (Go watch on the DreamWorks YouTube channel.) Ron is also witness to a daylight sighting of a UFO. Gorillas, UFOs and much more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.