Ep 223 – “I Was Thinkin’ Jeepers Creepers”

Ep 223-

It’s Thanksgiving Week here in the U.S., and we are thankful for you, Weirdsville, and this week’s guests. Our old hometown friend Becky has returned and brought along her hubby Chad. And with as much of a variety as Grandma Beeby’s Thanksgiving buffet, Chad and Becky have a plateful of stories! Haunted houses, one-legged pool shark grandpa’s, bigfoot, flying creatures, caves and more on this holiday-sized episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 222 – “Beam Me Up. M.F.’ers!”

Ep 222-

Our guest this week is Psychic Life Coach April DeMille. April has had in incredible life full of high strangeness. She has the many talents including the ability to see and communicate with beings and entities beyond most peoples wildest imagination. Bigfoot, faeries, aliens, flying saucers and more on this week’s out of this world episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 218 – Our Top 10 Spooky TV Shows

Ep 218-

It’s Halloween season, one of our favorite times of the year! Hosts Adam & Barry decided to sit down and discuss some of our favorite spooky, creepy, scary, ghosty and weird TV series. A top 10 lists featuring some classic programs, obscure gems and truly spooky shows. It’s “boos and ahs” and “don’t go down there” and nightmare fuel on this week’s special episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 216 – “Hiding in the Bush, Eating Ice Cream”

Ep 216-

Our returning guest this week is Shantelle, whom you may recall her from episode 186 “I Actually Have 8 Stories.” She has an update from her previous visit as well as some great new stories to share. Haunted hotels, police raids, breadsticks in planters and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Don’t forget to go vote for Shantelle in the Face of Horror contest here.

Ep 206 – “Don’t Open the Front Door”

Ep 206-

This week joining us from sunny L.A. California is Jackie! Originally from Youngstown, Ohio, where many of her stories take place, Jackie has had more than a few encounters of the weird kind. From pre-teen close encounters to red-eye mothmen, and living in a house that was also a spiritual battlefield. Flying cryptids, friendly old man ghosts, low flying unidentified aircraft and much more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 204 – “Life is Full of Strange”

Ep 204-

This week we start off with a chat about the “American Stonehenge,” a.k.a. the recently destroyed Georgia Guidestones. Our guest this week is Betsy from New Jersey, who has some stories of see signs, being empathic, and connections beyond the veil. Mysterious art installations, messages from beyond and our trademarked wandering conversation skills on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 186 – “I Actually Have 8 Stories”

Ep 186-

This week’s guest Shantelle has a lot of stories. She made a list and it’s quite a collection of short spooky, funny and strange tales. Beginning with a possible alien abduction at age 5 and then searching for haunted graveyards, a ghost in a mystery stairwell, being stalked by something while camping, a message from an alien princess and so much more! It’s an extra long, jam packed, high strangeness filled episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 153- “Why Am I Being Detained?”

Ep 153-

This week on the podcast our guest is none other than Lain Beeby, Adam’s brother. As discussed before, Lain used to create “games” to play, with the object usually to inflict pain on his younger brother. Now that they are grown, Lain has some unusual stories to share of his own, related to his job as an insurance adjuster. Hunger Games, mystery homes, broken bones and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 147- “Girl Egon”

Ep 147-

This week on the podcast marks the return of our guest is Annie. She was a guest back in episode 97, sharing stories from a trip to New Orleans. This time she has some stories closer to home, or her parents’ home to be more accurate. Nightmare inducing family heirlooms, mystery barrels,a weeping angel, and some homemade ghost hunting tech on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 143- “She’s Turning Purple”

Ep 143-

This week the high strangeness resumes with guest Gena & her sister Bobbi, our very own Special Correspondent and Resident Reddit Weirdo. Great stories and great conversations follow. Dream jumping, weird shadow beings, orb, transhumanism, disclosure and our place in the universe. All that and much more on this week’s meandering episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!