Episode 101- 100th Episode Spectacular Part 2

 HELLLLLOOOO WEIRDSVILLE! It’s our 100th episodeone hundred freakin’ episodes! Okay…okay, technically this is our 101st episode, but we can’t stop this party! To celebrate this milemarker we have put together a collection of NEW STORIES from fan favorite returning guests as well as some spectacular first timers.

We got Malcolm, who’s mom was a guest back in episode 90, to share his take on those shared haunting experiences. Chad & Alta are back with a sweet little Bigfoot story, and where there is Bigfoot, there is our Special Correspondent, resident Bigfoot Expert & Voice of the Listener Mr. Jeff Hubbard. Jeff may have showed up late to the party, that’s because he was pregaming with our buddy Sam “Nut n Bone” Nearing. Sam always has great stories to share!

So join us as we wrap up the first 100 episodes celebration and move towards the next couple hundred more of your friendly neighborhood storytelling podcast, WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY?