Ep 200- Our 200th Episode News Round Up

Ep 200-

Holy cow! It’s our 200th episode! 200 freakin’ episode! We are taking a break from break from our regular storytelling format to deliver some of the weirdest news stories from the first half of 2022. Weird Science, new planets, sacred stones, “fartists,” attacks on the world’s most famous painting and more on the newsworthy 200th episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 177 – Weird News Round-up 2021 part 2

Ep 177-

Happy New Year Weirdsville! We are kicking off 2022 with part 2 of our Weird News Round-up 0f 2021. We’ve got some more informative, interesting and weird stories from the world of science, true crime, cryptids and ufology. Cocaine eels, bigfoot, ghost particles, crashed UFOs on Mars, the Josh-ageddon, and the future of breathing through your anus on this week’s special episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 176 – Weird News Round-up 2021 part 1

Ep 176-

It’s time once again for the annual Weird News Round-Up! Adam and Barry discuss some of 2021’s choicest weird news reports and articles. Will there be UFOs? Of course! Will there be bigfoot? You betcha! Will there be mystery, murder, weird science, a modern day Jonah and cocaine hippos? What kind of party would it be if there wasn’t? Join us for part 1 of our annual news special on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 145- “Welp, Here’s the Story”

Ep 145-

This week hosts Barry and Adam take a break from the storytelling and discuss one of their favorite topics: UFOs. More to the point UFOs/UAPs that have been making news lately. Along with the Navy tapes, they discuss other official projects put together by the United States government, military and intelligence agencies to investigate the phenomenon. UFOs, Project Blue Book, leaked tapes and it’s all real on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Ep 136- “Did You Say ‘Disk’ Shaped?”

This week on the podcast, Adam & Barry are joined by Special Correspondent & Resident Reddit Weirdo Bobbi for some cool sightings and out-of-this-world conversation. Bobbi shares a story from her parents spotting several glowing orbs in the night sky moving in an unearthly fashion. Bobbi also leads a discussion on Havard’s top astronomer Avi Loeb‘s book Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth and the mysterious object Oumuamua. Plus, Adam recounts a daytime sighting of a couple of unusual objects in the sky as well. All that and our new, easier to remember email address ( [email protected] ) on this week’s spaced out episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast?

Special Episode-“180 Days”

Special Bonus Episode! We discuss the breaking news story out of Washington, D.C. As part of the second COVID-19 relief legislation, U.S. lawmakers are demanding that the Pentagon, Department of Defense and other US intelligence agencies have 180 days to disclose to Congress all the data collected on UAP (Unidentified Areal Phenomena).

Ep 129- “Don’t Go Down There!”

A collection of write-in stories, a short interview and lots of random discussion .

This week on the podcast, we present a collection of write-in stories, an interview, discussion on the proposed Oklahoma Bigfoot Hunting Season Bill and lots of other random discussions. It’s a hodgepodge of weirdness including cryptids, ghosts, mysterious strangers, and all sorts of goodies. And joining us to read those write-in stories is Special Correspondent, Resident Bigfoot Expert and Voice of the Listener, Mr. Jeff Hubbard. It’s a jammed packed lollapalooza of and episode, this week on the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Episode 125 – Weird News Roundup 2020 part 2

Happy New Year! We are officially in 2021 and what a relief. We continue our discussion of weird news stories from 2020 on this week’s episode with more UFOs, some cryptids and one more monolith story. Hosts Adam & Barry are joined by Special Correspondent & Resident Reddit Weirdo Bobbi for a jam packed special episode saying bye bye the weirdness that was 2020 and hello to 2021. Galactic Federations, government officials, Chupacabra, Icelandic rappers and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast! Thanks for listening, let’s all have a happy new year!

Episode 124- Weird News Roundup 2020 part 1

A collection of weird news stories from the weirdest year ever.

Happy Almost New Year! We are inching up on the end of 2020, arguably the weirdest year on record, and PHEW! thank the deity of your choice for that! Show hosts Barry & Adam have collected some news stories from around the world. And these aren’t just regular news stories, they are weird news stories! No coronavirus. No Monoliths (you can listen to our Monolith special episode for that). Japanese robo wolves! UFO/UAPs! Loch Ness monster! Winged beasts! Celebrities! It’s a jam packed year end spectacular to say “so long 2020, don’t let the door hit you as you leave” here on the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast! Thanks for listening, let’s all have a happy new year!

Episode 122: Breaking News: MONOLITHS A POPPIN’!

BREAKING NEWS SPECIAL: MONOLITH! Special bonus episode with our Special Correspondent & Official Resident Reddit Weird Bobbi joining hosts Adam & Barry for an informal investigative discussion on the enigmatic Utah Monolith and the many, many, many other monoliths that appeared (and disappeared) all over the world. Aliens? Artists? WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? Everything is poppin’ on this special bonus episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!