Ep 366- “Death & Murder & Beauty & Grace” with Melissa Kim Corter

ep 366-

What kind of little kid brings a newspaper clipping about a serial killer to show-and-tell? This week’s guest, that’s who! Melissa Kim Corter is an author, podcaster, psychologist and one time little true crime weirdo. (Our kind of people.) Melissa brings her story of synchronicities with serial killers, the beauty of New Jersey, and her journey to help other heal. It’s another great conversation with a fascinating guest here on the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 278- “A Big Smile on My Face”

Ep 278-

This week’s guest Michael Tanner is a self described skeptic and comic book writer. (How cool is the?!) He’s one of those I-Don’t-Believe-In-Ghosts-But-This-One-Time… guys, whose weird experience happened one night in high school while staying over at his girlfriend’s house, in her bedroom! And as coincidence would have it, we have a bonus interview with Kristen from episode 267 about more coincidences! It’s a happy fun time two-fer episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!