Episode 11- “Definitely Episode 11”

      This week we have a double header with two guest! Chris kicks off the show with stories of strange coincidence, possibly prophetic dreams and a beef with Rose McGowan. (Sorta.) Then Greg brings us tales about a dark shadow encounter, a little high school magic and Bloody Mary!
*As a bonus and a thank you for being on the show, we have included a link to Greg’s band’s soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/lake-disney

These photos have nothing to do with the stories on this week’s double-header episode, but they are weird. These photos are examples of a popular Victorian era trend of bizarre headless or detached head portraits. In those pre-Photoshop days, the manipulation was all done by hand. Why were these so popular? Who knows, maybe it has something to do with the still fairly new art of photography. But they sure are delightfully weird.

Our First Episode is Here! Episode 1- “Abe Lincoln’s Shadow”

the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? podcast is GO!!!
photo by SpaceX
  We could not be happier to announce that our new podcast, WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? has officially launched. We have been working hard to ensure that the podcast is a quality product that meets the high standards we expect from ourselves as artists, content creators, and podcast fans. Fortunately, we have the audio engineer extraordinaire Barry Johnston as one of our co-host. And our other co-host  Adam Beeby has a natural face for radio  podcasting. 

Welcome to the first episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? podcast! A New podcast that focuses on true stories of the WEIRD kind, provided by our guests. Each episode, hosts Adam Beeby and Barry Johnston, two life long friends, are joined by a variety of guests who share their stories of the strange, unusual, mysterious and unexplained.

This week our guest is author D.E. Medus, creator of the MedusPod, who has a variety of weird stories of his own. Check out his podcast meduspod.com

  You can listen to us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, IheartRadio, Soundcloud and youtube.
  We hope you join us on our adventures into the unknown, unusual, unexplainable, supernatural, spooky, and strange, with our guest storytellers as our guides and we ask them… WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY?