Episode 114 -“A Few Words of Ghost Advice”

 Meet Krissy, Ghost Hunter and Medium

Happy Halloween Weirdsville! This week our guest is Krissy Kloke, a paranormal investigator, ghost hunter and medium. It’s not everyday that the spirit of a dead stranger comes tapping on your shoulder while you are trying to do the grocery shopping. And it’s not everyday that said ghost pesters you to go deliver a message from beyond the grave to a stranger also buying some bread. Not unless you are a medium like Krissy! It’s a great Halloween episode with spooky stories and fun on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Episode 98- Psychic Quiz! Barry, Adam & Jeff test their psychic abilities!

This week our guest is none other than Special Correspondent, resident Bigfoot Expert & Voice of the Listener… Jeff Hubbard. Join us for a rigorous, real time testing of their psychic abilities! (It’s totally legit too, we got it off the internet.) Something a little different for a change, as we soldier on to episode 100! Questions, quizzes. and quotes on this weeks totally mental episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Episode 75 “I Got a Buddy”

Dustin Sees Dead People
75th episode! Dustin sees dead people. A lot of dead people. He’s been seeing them for a while too. And one of them is his buddy. Dustin has a lot of fantastic and freaky stories to share, so join us for this week’s spooktacular 75th episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast. And check out Dustin’s investigation Facebook page Mysterious State https://www.facebook.com/Mysterious-State-1893367304305794/

Ep 52: “Little Monkey! Big Eyes!” (Dr. Louis Turi pt.1)

   This week, we are honored to speak to Dr.Louis Turi, in the 1st episode of a 2 part interview*. Dr. Turi is an author, speaker, and multiple time abductee. In this episode we hear of his abduction experiences, as well as his ability to make eerily accurate predictions. An amazing life full of amazing adventures and much more on this week’s episode of WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

  This episode also marks the end of our first solar cycle as a podcast.
 52 weeks of weekly episodes. 
48 guests (and a few repeats).
0ver 3,300 minutes.
Countless laughs.
…and we couldn’t have done it without YOU!
Thank you all for listening, downloading, rating, reviewing, sharing and support the podcasts. 
*part 2 will be released on Sept.9. 2019.
for more Dr Turi, go to www.drturi.com  

Episode 5- “A Pocket Knife & a Potato

This week our guest is Justin Little of the band One Trip Little. Justin has some stories from the road. Let me tell you, life in a touring band sure can get weird!

Download and listen now on all your podcasts apps! And please rate and review us on Apple Podcast and where ever you get us from, it helps our audience grow!