Ep 284- “My Deep, Dark Secret”

Ep 284-

Joining us this week from deep in the heart of Texas, is Nicole Starbuck. Noticing that she had gifts at a young age, Nicole was unsure and even ashamed of her secret. Eventually finding the strength up unbridle herself of the “shame,” Nicole learned to embrace her true self and help others and a life coach and writer. An incredible conversation with a spectacular guest on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 267- Gut Instinct with Kristen Jaslowich

Ep 267-

This week our guest is Kristen Jaslowich, host of the Gut Instincts podcast. Kristen shares some stories of incredible coincidence. We also discuss one of our favorite topics: UFOs. Then Kristen turns the tables on us hosts and asks what are our thoughts on those feelings in your gut. It’s kind of her thing as she hosts the Gut Instincts podcast after all. Great aunts, lights in the sky and going with or against yer guts on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 266- “Twice Exceptional”

Ep 266-

Almost everybody struggles with some form of math in school, be it memorizing your times tables in elementary school, high school geometry, or college algebra. Today’s guest Michelle struggled more than most. Michelle was diagnosed dyscalculia, a learning disability. In some ways similar to dyslexia, dyscalculia is mathematics learning disorder, but it’s not just adding numbers, it’s much more. Michelle learned to overcome her own disabilities and is now in education and advocating for others with learning disabilities. An inspiring and educational conversation (brought to you by the numbers 2 and 6) in this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY ? Podcast!