EP 231- “I Like to Work with Jesus”

Ep 231-

Joining us this week on the podcast is Melynda Lopez, RN MSN, spiritual empowerment coach and Akashic Record healer. Melynda sees angels, lots of angels. Her kids see them too. Melynda brings with us stories of how her abilities developed, help she received from angels and weird things she has seen at the hospital. Angels, Jesus and more weird things on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

find Melynda online at www.lovemelynda.com

Ep 222 – “Beam Me Up. M.F.’ers!”

Ep 222-

Our guest this week is Psychic Life Coach April DeMille. April has had in incredible life full of high strangeness. She has the many talents including the ability to see and communicate with beings and entities beyond most peoples wildest imagination. Bigfoot, faeries, aliens, flying saucers and more on this week’s out of this world episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 221 – “Mystery in Her History”

Ep 221-

This week, WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast pays tribute to our friend and frequent guest Alta Dillard. She was a special lady who lived an interesting life full of high strangeness. Selecting excerpts for the several interviews we conducted with Alta and her husband Chad, we show our appreciation for their openness, stories, support and friendship. Celebrating the life of Alta on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Ep 213 – “Waiting For My Mutant Powers To Manifest”

Ep 213-

This week we are joined by Lee Walczak, a psychic medium & artist from Massachusetts. Lee has some amazing stories to share about his unique abilities . Mysteries orbs, urgent warnings, messages from beyond the veil and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 202 – Super Dad Bros vs What’s Yer Weird Story?

Ep 202-

In the red corner, at a combined weight of 325 lbs, it’s Zack and Crispy from the SUPER DAD BROS podcast! In the blue corner, wearing the purple and pink trunks, it’s your regular hosts, Barry and Adam! Just kidding, no fighting here, just hanging out and sharing stories. Crispy has some spooky ghost stories and Zach brings tales from growing up exploring warehouses in Detroit. It’s a double header episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

For more of Crispy and Zack’s banter listen to the SUPER DAD BROS podcast and follow them on all the social medias.

Ep 186 – “I Actually Have 8 Stories”

Ep 186-

This week’s guest Shantelle has a lot of stories. She made a list and it’s quite a collection of short spooky, funny and strange tales. Beginning with a possible alien abduction at age 5 and then searching for haunted graveyards, a ghost in a mystery stairwell, being stalked by something while camping, a message from an alien princess and so much more! It’s an extra long, jam packed, high strangeness filled episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 183 – Children’s Paranormal Romance

Ep 183-

Our guest this week is author, podcast host & paranormal investigator Eleanor Wagner. Eleanor has written books about ghost and paranormal experiences in her area as well as having paranormal experiences of her own. Plus she is a member of the Lady Ghostbuster Team paranormal investigators. Ghosts, dark and scary entities, Lady Ghostbusters and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Look for Eleanor’s books on Amazon, Ebay or www.authoreleanorwagner.com and listen to her podcast Eleanor Wagner’s Strange and Scary World.

Ep 162- “What Up?”

Ep 162-

This week our guest is Travis, one of the hosts of Ghosts In The Night podcast. Travis has a bit of a gift when it comes to sensing spirits. From his dad stomping around upstairs to someone whispering in his ear in a busy restaurant kitchen to livestreaming paranormal investigations, Travis has some great stories to share. Ghost dads, black orbs, disembodied voices singing 90s alternative pop songs and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 152 – “Raised By Goth 20 Year Olds”

Ep 152-

This week on the podcast, from the dark forests of New England, comes our guest Isaiah. Isaiah grew up in a witchy household and has loads of spooky stories to share! It was all just the normal way to be a kid in his home. Ghost girls in the doorway, mysterious black orbs, broken mystic mirrors and much more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 143- “She’s Turning Purple”

Ep 143-

This week the high strangeness resumes with guest Gena & her sister Bobbi, our very own Special Correspondent and Resident Reddit Weirdo. Great stories and great conversations follow. Dream jumping, weird shadow beings, orb, transhumanism, disclosure and our place in the universe. All that and much more on this week’s meandering episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!