Ep 174 – Hometown Write-Ins

Ep 174 –

This week on the podcast we are joined by Special Correspondent, Resident Bigfoot Expert and Voice of the Listener, Mr. Jeff Hubbard. It’s a hometown write-in special episode with some spooky, creepy, funny, and strange stories from Kingfisher, Oklahoma. UFOs, bank robbers, heroic rescues, a bigfoot and more on this week’s down home episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 165 – Conspiracy Hipster

Ep 165-

This week our guest Ben joins us from across the pond in the UK. Ben brings us a story of a strange shaped UFO he witnessed a few years back. We also wander off into a great conversation, as we tend to do here on the show. UFOs, conspiracy lovers, the nature of everything, and more on this week’s international episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Ep 162- “What Up?”

Ep 162-

This week our guest is Travis, one of the hosts of Ghosts In The Night podcast. Travis has a bit of a gift when it comes to sensing spirits. From his dad stomping around upstairs to someone whispering in his ear in a busy restaurant kitchen to livestreaming paranormal investigations, Travis has some great stories to share. Ghost dads, black orbs, disembodied voices singing 90s alternative pop songs and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 161- “Wooly Booger”

Ep 161-

Joining us this week from our home state of Oklahoma is Bigfoot Researcher & Enthusiast Steve Sparks. Steve recounts a life changing tale from his youth as well as some of his experiences in the field. Sasquatch, Wooly Booger, Dog Men, a Rake and much more on this week’s wild episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 156 – “She’s Cold”

Ep 156-

This week our guest is Justin Mason,host of the Creative Percussion Podcast and the Drum Shop Podcast. Justin grew up in rural Alabama in a family full of gift of seeing spirits. He’s got more ghost stories than you can shake a drumstick at and he’s sharing them with us. Shadow beings, hungry ghosts, cold ghosts and much more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Don’t forget to go check out both the Creative Percussion Podcast and the Drum Shop Podcast!

Ep 152 – “Raised By Goth 20 Year Olds”

Ep 152-

This week on the podcast, from the dark forests of New England, comes our guest Isaiah. Isaiah grew up in a witchy household and has loads of spooky stories to share! It was all just the normal way to be a kid in his home. Ghost girls in the doorway, mysterious black orbs, broken mystic mirrors and much more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 146-Cowboys & Dinosaurs

Ep 146-

This week, it’s book report time. Host Adam shares some of his favorite stories from the book Cowboys & Saurians by John Lemay. This book is a collection of stories from newspaper stories and folklore tales from the old west that all feature serpents, dinosaurs and dragon like creatures. While some of the stories were made up to sell newspapers, some are accounts reported to be true. Lake monsters, pterodactyls, pioneers and more on this week’s rootin’ tootin’ episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 141- Urban Legends

Episode 141-

This week hosts Adam & Barry take a break from the real life stories shared by their guests to discuss some of their favorite urban legends. Growing up in a small middle American town in the pre-internet days of the 1980s & 90s, it was peak time for many of the classic urban legends. Alligators in the sewers! LSD in temporary tattoos! Cow Tipping! The Satanic Panic! It’s a spooky walk down memory lane on this week’s legendary episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 139- “Fortress of Solitude”

Episode 139- This week on the podcast our guest is Bob from Guthrie, Oklahoma. Guthrie is known as one of the most haunted towns in Oklahoma. Bob grew up in Guthrie and brings with him stories of exploring the abandoned building of an area of town known as “the Elbow.” Camping out in the desolite floodplain he had some interesting experiences. Plus Adam shares his recent discovery of the bizarre world of AI created people’s portraits and “side demons.” Urban exploration, abandoned buildings, haunted hometowns and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 133- “Aliens Walking Their Dog”

This week’s episode has got it all!

Our guest Joe from California has got so many stories! It all started with a daylight encounter with a Sasquatch, and from there he opened up his vaults! Bigfoot! Amityville! UFOs! True Crime! Prescience! and we just scratched the surface! Plus hosts Adam & Barry describe their dream meals! Amazing stories and great conversation on this week’s eclectic episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!