Ep 344- “Green Day’s Not Classic Rock”

Ep 344-

Joining us this week is author and podcaster Gina Ramsey. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because Gina is another return guest to these here Weirdsville parts. Gina has write a sequel to her humorous anthology Burnt Gloveboxes book as well as starting the podcast Laugh Lines and Turbulence. Someone has been opening doors in Gina‘s new house, and playing tricks. Who is Rita? Plus we have a conversation about growing old; maybe gracefully, maybe not. And for the record: Green Day is not classic rock! It’s another classic episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 339- “3 AM Vibe” with Todd Warner of Dead Halos

Ep 339-

Joining us this week is friend of the pod and the driving musical force behind band DEAD HALOS, Todd Warner. Todd share a story of a magical Christmas Eve in Dublin, Ireland. A Christmas miracle that made both Barry and Adam more than a little bit jealous. We also talk about the new EP from DEAD HALOS, “19.8” and have a great discussion on process, art and the power of music. And stay tuned for a bonus sample track after the episode. Raise a pint and sing along if you are so inclined, to this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 333- Weird News Round-Up 2024

Ep 333-

It’s time once again to close the door on the old year and open one into the new! 2024 was a fantastic year for guest here in Weirdsville, but the weirdness continued on in the rest of the world. From the Drones of New Jersey, scientific discoveries, incredible animals, true crime and more, we have curated some of these more unusual headlines to shine a spotlight on one last time. So join us as we say goodbye to 2024 and welcome the weirdness of 2025 (because it’s only gonna get weirder friends!) here on the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 331- “If You Put To It”

Ep 331-

This week’s guest, TJ Moon, had it rough from the start. Born with cerebral palsy, abandoned at a McDonald’s at age 7, and lost in the foster system for years. Fortune began to change as he and his half brother were adopted into the same family. Encouraged to follow his dreams and told he can do anything he put his mind to, TJ graduated college, began several businesses and became a author and motivational speaker. An inspirational conversation with a remarkable young man on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!