Ep 53: “Take In Everything But the Probe” (our first year in review show)

 It’s our first anniversary! One year,to the day, of our first podcast release. 12 months, 365 days, one complete solar circuit. Hosts Adam, Barry and Special Correspondent, Resident Bigfoot Expert, Voice of the Listener and occasional Co-Host Jeff Hubbard look back at some of our favorite, most shocking, most creepy, most memorable weird stories shared by our guests highlighting the year. We would talk about every story, but that would be a 52 hour episode! Instead each host mentions and discusses some of their favs, and answer some FAQs and get sidetracked into personal stories in the usual way. All that and more in an extra large anniversary sized year in review episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? PODCAST!

Ep 52: “Little Monkey! Big Eyes!” (Dr. Louis Turi pt.1)

   This week, we are honored to speak to Dr.Louis Turi, in the 1st episode of a 2 part interview*. Dr. Turi is an author, speaker, and multiple time abductee. In this episode we hear of his abduction experiences, as well as his ability to make eerily accurate predictions. An amazing life full of amazing adventures and much more on this week’s episode of WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

  This episode also marks the end of our first solar cycle as a podcast.
 52 weeks of weekly episodes. 
48 guests (and a few repeats).
0ver 3,300 minutes.
Countless laughs.
…and we couldn’t have done it without YOU!
Thank you all for listening, downloading, rating, reviewing, sharing and support the podcasts. 
*part 2 will be released on Sept.9. 2019.
for more Dr Turi, go to www.drturi.com  

Episode 51: “Disgusting & Fun”

  This week we talk to Lee “Birdshot” Kilpatrick, wandering musician & sideshow performer. Birdshot shares stories of life on the road with professional freaks and clowns as well as growing up in “white trash heap Mississippi,” and just how he got the name “Birdshot.” 
 Talk about a weird life! It’s like running away and joining the circus, if the circus was all sideshow! Lee is a natural born entertainer. 
(Parental Advisory on this one too.) All that and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 50: “Everything is a Banana Rack”

Masks, Magic, metaphysics, art and Kendama with Visitor 10

    This week we are visited by artist, musician, magician, and Kendama enthusiast Ssengam Niloc, also known as Visitor 10. The following conversation moves from self realization to chaos magic, art to personality, and a stash of found gas masks to kendama, a traditional Japanese ball and cup toy. All that and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 48: “100%” The Emotron & Ayahuasca

Our guest this week is Kyle, a.k.a. The Emotron, a performance artist, musician and psychedelic shaman. In an informative discussion, Kyle tells us about his five ayahuasca ceremonies, DMT and psychedelic healing. Mechanical elves, spirit eagles, underground Peruvian ayahuasca ceremonies, life of the road, and so much more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.
***Don’t forget to check out our new merch! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/whats-yer-weird-story
If YOU have a weird story, and you want to share, we want to hear it! Follow and contact us through our various social platforms or via email: [email protected] or call the hotline (513) 909-9821

Episode 47: “Subtle Hitman Request”

This week Adam and Barry are joined by Andrew, one of the creative forces behind the hilarious audio drama podcast CRYPTA! Not only is he one of the writers of CRYPTA!, he also has his own story to tell. 

   A story of youth, good times, bad times, and unhinged people. Andrew and the boys also talk about his podcast series, something that the fans of WYWS? will find right in their wheelhouse. (He even provided a preview.) 

Check it out, and check out this week episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast. (And for more CRYPTA! got here https://www.cryptaseries.com/ )

Episode 46: I Became a Poop Mud Person

  Everybody loves a summer music fest; the good vibes, camping out, and the tunes. But that’s when everything is going right, but this week, our guest Brandy tells a wild story about when things go wrong. Was it just a case of bad weather or a narrow escape of the end of the world? 
   All that and more on this week’s totally groovy episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 45: “We’re Not Weird”

This week, Adam,Barry, and Jeff are joined by Corey, who is totally normal and not weird. He grew up in a normal small town in Texas, in a normal house… If by normal you mean a haunted house filled with ghosts, and if by normal small town were you see UFOs, and if a normal Tuesday night includes your sister’s exorcism. So yeah, a totally normal, average episode completely void of anything “weird.” (Oh wait, it’s not that at all!) 
PLUS a special announcement about our first LIVE EVENT! All that and more on this week’s totally normal episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Check out the Facebook event page for our upcoming LIVE EVENT WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast presents “WHAT’S YER BEER STORY?” https://www.facebook.com/events/1270439929788933/

episode 44: “We Got Pooped On”

Heather from Humboldt returns! Our friend Heather(from episode 35) is back & she has stories of strange atmospheric phenomena, UFW (Unidentified Flying Water?) & a very creepy little girl. Heather & the Boys (our hosts Barry,Adam & Jeff) also wander into some really interesting conversations along the way, including technology, coincidences,& getting pooped on (by a bird). All this & more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast. (Did we use too many parentheses?)

Episode 42: “I Kinda Wish I Had More Serial Killer Stories”

Serial Killers…UFOs…Near Death Escapes…True Crime... this episode has got it all! Our hometown friend Amy returns with some weirder, wilder stories that she forgot to mention on her first visit. A couple of close calls and near escapes, including a house call from Henry Lee Lucas and Otis Toole, a pair of brutal serial killers. Plus a late night UFO sighting in the desert and what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas. All that and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.