Ep 316- “Dreamwalker” with Tanja James

Ep 316-

Our guest this week is Tanja James, self-proclaimed Dreamwalker. Tanja is also a spirit advisor, alchemist, poet, and multidimensional being. Tanja has had an interesting path in her spiritual journey. Her dream abilities alone are incredible; from premonitions to astral projection to viewing timelines and beyond! Join us for an extra long, extra deep episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 309- “Tu Tia Bruja”

Ep 309-

Joining us from Tequila. Mexico is American ex-pat, café owner and podcaster Bex Carlos, a.k.a. BexBeCasting! Our friend is a self described “witchy aunt” and host of the podcast Tu Tia Bruja. Bex informed us about Tequila (the city and the drink) and shared some incredible stories about her family and their connection to the supernatural realm. So grab some shot glasses if you are daring and join us for this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 304- “I Can Read Your Mind” with Sarah Itkin

Ep 304-

Joining us this week from Denver, Colorado is psychic medium, angel channel, ThetaHealing Practitioner, and psychic trainer, Sarah Itkin. After a terrifying dream that came true, Sarah began her journey into psychic discovery. Using her background as a therapist, Sarah launched her career as a medium, channeler and psychic trainer to help others develop their own skills. Plus, cohost Adam expresses his love for Godzilla! Another fascinating conversation on a myriad of topics on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 299- “People I Don’t Like, I’m Going to Haunt”

Ep 299-

This week our guest is Darren Hembrow, a former Police Officer from Wales. Darren has had a lifetime of weird experiences. From hearing phantom footsteps in his childhood home and seeing mysterious hooded figures, to having psychic dreams, chasing UFOs and seeing 80 foot tall angels, Darren and his family have a connection to the other side. Plus an heartfelt discussion of bereavement, death, suicide and dying. It’s another fascinating episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 287- “Victim of Murphy’s Law”

Ep 287

This week’s guest, Gina Ramsey, is a self-described victim of Murphy’s Law. You know… “Anything that can go wrong, will.” Gina has found a way to laugh off the curve balls life tends to throw, and she collected them into a book titled Burnt Glovesboxes. Gina shares some of her stories and some of the spooky experiences as well. Special Correspondent and Master of Lists, Tilly, joins in the conversation as well on this week’s fantastic episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 284- “My Deep, Dark Secret”

Ep 284-

Joining us this week from deep in the heart of Texas, is Nicole Starbuck. Noticing that she had gifts at a young age, Nicole was unsure and even ashamed of her secret. Eventually finding the strength up unbridle herself of the “shame,” Nicole learned to embrace her true self and help others and a life coach and writer. An incredible conversation with a spectacular guest on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 283- “Born Energy”

Ep 283-

This week we are joined by former nurse Lauren Dionysius, from the land down under, Australia! Lauren is a former nurse, who after a near death experience, found herself to be in possession of unusual gifts. Nurse Lauren was able to communicate with new born babies and see into the spirit world. So throw a shrimp on the barbie (it’s Australian summer after all), crack open a Fosters ( it’s Australian for beer) and settle in for this week’s spectacular episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 277- “Bright Soul Light” with Daniel Jackson

Ep 277-

This week’s guest is Podcaster and psychic Daniel Jackson. On Beyond the Veil, Daniel and his guest discuss all manner of psychic subjects. On our podcast, Daniel shares many of his incredible experiences from a lifetime of see spirits. From dark energies to floating skulls, angels to the fabled tall hat shadow man, Daniel truly sees beyond the veil. Join us for another enlightening (and some might say controversial) episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 275- “Batteries Included” with Pauline McGuire

Ep 275-

Happy Thanksgiving in the U.S.A.! This week our guest is Pauline McGuire, a Canadian expat currently living in the Riviera Maya region of Mexico. After seeking help from her “most woo woo friend,” Pauline‘s life took a radical change and he latent psychic abilities began to manifest and grow. Join us as we talk about being empathic, all the souls in your body and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 274- “Lookin At You, Dick Van Dyke”

Ep 274-

No… no, we are not talking to Hollywood legend and national treasure Dick Van Dyke this week, but we do have another “D” for you. Joining us this week is medium and death doula Dominique O’Gorman. For as long as she can remember, Dominique has always had the ability to see and speak to the dead. Her spirit guide has been with her all of her life. Death has never been a mystery to her. As an adult, Dominique has used her abilities to act as a death doula, helping those who are about to die and their families prepare for the end. It’s a two-for-one episode of the paranormal and unusual job type on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!