Ep 225- “A Comedian or Superhero”

Ep 225-

This week’s guest Linda Melanson joins us from the Great White North! Oh Canada! Not only is she a typical super nice Canadian, Linda has an amazing story to share unlike any we have had before on the podcast. It’s a family mystery and discovery on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 224-“That’s Bigfoot Country, Man!”

ep 224-

This week’s episode features the return of our Special Correspondent, Resident Bigfoot Expert and Voice of the Listener, Jeff Hubbard. In his capacity as Voice of the Listener, Jeff is here to read a handful of stories from our hometown submitted by John Redbird. Sasquatch, gargoyles, monkeys and more weird things lurking around Kingfisher, OK on this week’s creep-tastic episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 223 – “I Was Thinkin’ Jeepers Creepers”

Ep 223-

It’s Thanksgiving Week here in the U.S., and we are thankful for you, Weirdsville, and this week’s guests. Our old hometown friend Becky has returned and brought along her hubby Chad. And with as much of a variety as Grandma Beeby’s Thanksgiving buffet, Chad and Becky have a plateful of stories! Haunted houses, one-legged pool shark grandpa’s, bigfoot, flying creatures, caves and more on this holiday-sized episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 222 – “Beam Me Up. M.F.’ers!”

Ep 222-

Our guest this week is Psychic Life Coach April DeMille. April has had in incredible life full of high strangeness. She has the many talents including the ability to see and communicate with beings and entities beyond most peoples wildest imagination. Bigfoot, faeries, aliens, flying saucers and more on this week’s out of this world episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 220 -“I Don’t Touch Ouija Boards”

Ep 220-

Shantelle and Garrett are back with more stories to share. They take us back to the Lemp Mansion in St. Louis, Missouri for more history, mystery and ghostly encounters. The second of our 2-part conversation with our weird mid-western ghost hunting friends on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep- 217 “Alien, Wizard,Robot or Iggy Pop?”

Ep 217-

Barry & Adam are known for asking the hard hitting questions. This week on the podcast is no exception as they discuss and debate one of the most important questions of our time: Which famous people are Aliens, Wizards, Robots or something other? It’s a thought provoking special episode (or maybe not) brought to you by the fine folks of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

What’s YerWeirdStory? Presents: SPINJAMARAMA!


   This week, we take a detour from our exploration of the weird and stop off at the Weirdsville record shop for the debut episode of SPINJAMARAMA! 
   Both Barry & Adam are big ole music nerds, when they aren’t “on air” talking to folks about their weird stories, they can often be found having lengthy discussions about bands, genres, albums and songs. So this sparked an idea for a music podcast side project under the WYWS? umbrella. In this debut episode, the boys dive into two albums by two artists they never really listened to actively but always meant to explore. 
     So join us as they digest, dissect, and discuss Frank Zappa and Dwight Yoakam on the debut episode of SPINJAMARAMA! Next week we will return to our regularly scheduled weird broadcast.