Episode 67: Hi! How Are You?

Desi is back for the hat trick, and she has candy.

 Hi! How Are You? This week, friend of the podcast Desi returns with some brand new stories to share! Desi was hesitant to join us again, but we convinced her to return and be our first three-peat guest. Desi has some more ghost stories, as well as some from of her husband. Family ghosts, mysterious disembodied voices, channeling spirits, haunted houses and an impassioned discussion on the greatest candy ever made…Toffifay! All that and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Episode 64-“The Squatch Word”

This week, from the depths West Virginia, on the dark back roads, Kota joins us with tales of cryptids, local legends and more. 
    A great conversation all -in-all (and a real mystery solved live during the interview!). Sprinting creatures, suspected dogmen, ghosts, local legends,earth mounds and the Squatch word. 
   All that and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 66: “A Frickin’ Strange Night”

It’s Thanksgiving here in the U.S. A time to reunite with family and friends. This week, we revisit a story Barry shared back in episode 26, but this time it’s told by old friend Shane Jackson, who was sleeping when this crazy incident went down. Home invasion from a small town stalker, with new details to the story to flesh it out even more. Plus some fun reminiscing and dad stories. All that and stuffing and gravy on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 65: “I’m Not an Interesting Person”

 Blood Suckers, Zombies, Ghosts… you know, nothing interesting.

This week on the podcast, we are joined by
 Leslie, a self admitted not very interesting person at all. Leslie comes with weird stories both foreign and domestic. Tales of African Bloodsuckers, zombies and traditions, as well as some Southern ghosts and other high strangeness. All that and more on this week’s “not very interesting” episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Ep 63- V-Man Strong

   It’s Hammer time! 
   This week on the podcast, the boys talk to Josh Hayes, a.k.a. Hammer, another old friend of Adam. Hammer has a ton of interesting and weird stories. His family has a history of spirituality, visions, and connections beyond the veil. He also has some great stories about being an American kid growing up in Iceland. 
   Josh also dropped by for a cause, his newborn son VincentVincent was born with some medical issues, and we are hoping to spread the word to help the little guy out. (details below) Angels, demons, ghosts, Iceland and the Hammer. All that and more in this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast. #

HELP VINCENT/V-MAN! Please help with donations or spreading the word about this special little guy.
The Brave NICU Adventure of V-Man https://www.facebook.com/vman.strong/
Go Fund Me for V-Man

Hammer feeding V-Man.
V-Man’s first smile pic. That’s a great smile.
V-Man’s first Halloween. A born hero!

Episode 62: Halloween Special 2019

Episode 62


  This week on the podcast, we got tricks, we got treats, we got friends and clowns and freaks! It’s the 2019 WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!!! 

 We are joined by friends of the podcast the Emotron and Birdshot who bring along Scarlett Storm and Jeremy from the Cut Throat Freak Show. They took time on their day off from touring and shared some great stories and laughs.

 Ori from last week’s episode returns with a few Halloween memories of her own and the family that haunted (or taunted) her as a little girl. Brandon from episode 10 (“Supernatural Meth”) rounds things out with a retelling of his spooky Halloween encounter as well as some really cool news. 

  Everyone has some fun Halloween memories and traditions to share! It’s walk down memory lane to the house that gives out full sized candy bars on this week’s spooktacular episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!?

Episode 61:”Psst Psst Psst Psst”

 This week, we got some fresh hauntings for you all to get you in the Halloween spirit. Ori from sunny California has some stories from her grandparents house, creepy stories that started when she recently moved in with her son. Or was there always some magic there? This is a developing story and it’s full of surprises. So sit back and enjoy the spookiness on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 59: ” It’s Got a Name, It’s SPOOK 50″

Episode 59
This week, we hear tales of the legendary haunted KC-135 Stratotanker SPOOK 50, as told by one of the pilots that flew her! Jack Hancock shares the weird history of this unusual aircraft and his own experiences aboard. Gremlins, ghosts, shadows and tragic death aboard a 60 plus year old jet. SPOOK 50 earns its name in spades! All that and more (including Barry starting a cult) on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 58: “F*ck You Ghost, I’m Out!”

Episode 58

Bears, monkeys, grampa, deer, a little man, dreams, deja vu, a UFO, a ghost in the TV and a Yebel Rankee. OH MY! 
  Our buddy Shawn from North Carolina returns this week to the podcast. Shawn has been listening to past episodes of the WYWS podcast and he’s been taking notes. Notes for weird stories from the darkest parts of his memories that got shook loose and resurfaced. 
   And he’s got a lot of them! A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a little bit more from that guy who “didn’t have any real weird experiences.” All that and so much more on this week’s DOUBLE LENGTH episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 57.5- Breaking Weird News

Episode 57.5
Special Bonus episode! 

Barry & Adam sit down to have a discussion on some recent news stories relating to the subject matter covered on the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast. Some potentially major news from some “minor” stories.
 First is the story of the US Navy acknowledging some leaked aerial videos of UAP/UFOs are real and unknown. Videos provided to the public by Tom Delonge, of Blink-182 fame.
 Following that, they discuss the recent scientific expedition to Loch Ness and their “findings” as well as what they didn’t find. All that and more on this special bonus episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.
for more on the US Navy UFO/UAP videos
for more on the Loch Ness Monster news