Episode 116- 3rd Semi-Annual Write-In Special: No Nuts

 Brand New Write-In Stories From Past Guests & True Crime News

It’s that time again. Time for the 3rd Semi-Annual Write-In Special! Past Guests of the show have sent us emails, text messages and carrier pigeons with new stories! Not only that, but they included photos and videos! (Available to view on our Instagram and Facebook pages.) And if there are write-in stories, you know we are joined by our Special Correspondent, Resident Bigfoot Expert and Voice of the Listeners, Jeff Hubbard! Jeff has brought his on special interest true crime story as well. Poltergeist, light formations, UFOs, orbs and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!
Go to our Instagram @whatsyerweirdstory for video. 

Episode 66: “A Frickin’ Strange Night”

It’s Thanksgiving here in the U.S. A time to reunite with family and friends. This week, we revisit a story Barry shared back in episode 26, but this time it’s told by old friend Shane Jackson, who was sleeping when this crazy incident went down. Home invasion from a small town stalker, with new details to the story to flesh it out even more. Plus some fun reminiscing and dad stories. All that and stuffing and gravy on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 47: “Subtle Hitman Request”

This week Adam and Barry are joined by Andrew, one of the creative forces behind the hilarious audio drama podcast CRYPTA! Not only is he one of the writers of CRYPTA!, he also has his own story to tell. 

   A story of youth, good times, bad times, and unhinged people. Andrew and the boys also talk about his podcast series, something that the fans of WYWS? will find right in their wheelhouse. (He even provided a preview.) 

Check it out, and check out this week episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast. (And for more CRYPTA! got here https://www.cryptaseries.com/ )

Episode 42: “I Kinda Wish I Had More Serial Killer Stories”

Serial Killers…UFOs…Near Death Escapes…True Crime... this episode has got it all! Our hometown friend Amy returns with some weirder, wilder stories that she forgot to mention on her first visit. A couple of close calls and near escapes, including a house call from Henry Lee Lucas and Otis Toole, a pair of brutal serial killers. Plus a late night UFO sighting in the desert and what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas. All that and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 40: MAIL CALL!!! Listener Write In Special #1


This week, Resident Bigfoot Expert and Special Correspondent Jeff Hubbard dusts off his Voice of the Listener hat and joins us with a variety of stories provided by YOU our listeners. From all around the globe, we have a handful of great short stories. Ghosts, UFOs, haunted houses and toys, and an ex-girlfriend.

Plus, to round things out, a recent true crime discussion from our ever increasingly weird hometown. All that and one of the greatest sibling revenge stories of all time, and more, on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 37: “Freddy Krueger is Here!”

Episode 37: Freddy Krueger is Here!

Amy has a lot of weird stories, and they are great.

This week we catch up with an old schoolmate from our hometown. Barry & Adam have known their guest Amy since they were kids, but they never knew about all the weird things going on around her…and there were many! Amy has lived in several haunted houses, has an unusual hobby, is mom to an instagram famous cat and so much more! Buckle in, it’s an adventure on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Episode 33: “They Say This Guy Is Real, Real Tricky”

   This week, we are joined by guest Aaron Brookshire. Aaron’s brother Josh was a guest back in episode 12, who told us about serial killer Pazuzu Algarad, and Aaron has his own tale to add. 

  Plus, Aaron has a slew of stories about a near legendary character known only as “Tricky Sam.”
  All that and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 28: “And There Was Blood Everywhere”

Our very first podcast guest D.E. Medus is back and he has some doozies. He starts off with some pretty brutal hotel stories, but moves on to some childhood stories and his mother’s incredible luck…or guardian angel?

Plus we have merch! T-Shirts, hoodies,and totes available at https://shop.spreadshirt.com/whats-yer-weird-story All this and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.



Episode 26: Our Big Half Anniversary!

Our BIG half year as a podcast episode! For 26 weeks our podcast has been providing our listeners with some amazing stories as told by our incredible guests. (Half a year…that’s 3.5 dog years. That’s like 8 years in a high school romance.) As a thank you, we have a giant sized fun episode in store.

On today’s special double stuffed episode our hosts,Adam and Barry, are joined by Special Correspondent, Weirdsville Bigfoot Expert, and Voice of the Listener, Jeff Hubbard to share some other their our weird stories. It’s a good thing nothing weird has ever happened to Jeff… or has it?

Join us as we walk down Memory Lane and share plenty of laughs and gasps on this weeks special double length Half Year Anniversary celebration episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 12: There’s Something Weird About This?

Pointy headed Biohazard suits 

This week on the What’s Yer Weird Story? Podcast our guest Josh Brookshire brings us two bizarre tales. First, a late night journey home takes a turn to the weird, followed by our first serial killer story, Pazuzu Algarad.

Pazuzu Algarad’s Mugshot
Special Correspondent Jeff Hubbard
PLUS…Introducing our Special Correspondent, Bigfoot Expert and Voice of the Listener….Jeff Hubbard. You may remember Jeff (and his sister, Kim) from the We Got a Ouija Board for X-Mas episode. Jeff is joining the team to read your social media reviews and comments, as well as an occasional guest interviewer.
Annnnnnnd…it’s host Barry Johnston’s birthday!!!! (BYO Cake)
All that, and it’s co-host Barry Johnston’s birthday!!!