Ep 343- “They Come Find Me”

Ep 343-

Joining us this week is author and podcaster, Remington Keyes. Since his youth, Remi has been surrounded by strange, paranormal experiences. Unlike a lot of paranormal enthusiast, Remi doesn’t go out of his way to find spirits and ghosts… they find him! It could be in his bloodline too, as his family contains shaman, priest, and even skinwalkers (not that he will say that particular word.) So dodge those phantom cars, wave at your grannies ghost and pull out that one chair for the Jamaican spirit entity and join us for another super-natural episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 341- “Shadow Man in the Window”

Ep 341-

Sometimes those shadows dancing on your bedroom wall in the night are just shadows. But sometimes, as our guest Gabriella (host of the NEXUS OF NARRATIVES podcast) rediscovered from childhood memories, they are something more terrifying. For years she wrote off these childhood memories as just kid stuff, until she discovered a podcast about Shadow People and her world was reopened to that other, more mysterious side. The side of life we in WEIRDSVILLE are all too familiar with, as many of us live there too. Plus, Barry has a surprise encounter with an NBA legend. Join us for another spooky, sensational, supernatural episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 327- “The Unkillable Guy”

Ep 327-

Joining us this week is author Eric Otero, from upstate New York. Eric is a storyteller, both in conversation and in print. His written stories fall into the horror genre, but his life stories, and those of his family, are all real. Weird, wild, amazing and real. Starting with his seemingly indestructible father, his family full who share the same name, and his own experiences, Eric brings a buffet full of stories and sides for our ears. And if you are interested in his written tales, check out www.emoteroauthor.com for more. Weird lights in the forest, mysterious voices, failed parachutes and so much more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!