Ep 191 -“It Falls Out My Pants Leg”

Ep 191-

This week our guest is Jessica Wallace King, a.k.a. Clairvoyant Jess. Based in Georgia, Jess is a professional clairvoyant and knows a thing or two about the weird world we inhabit, much to the chagrin of her kids. Whether it’s talking to spirits, passing messages from beyond or sending the bad ghosts packing, Jess is livin’ la vida Weirdsvile! All that and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 183 – Children’s Paranormal Romance

Ep 183-

Our guest this week is author, podcast host & paranormal investigator Eleanor Wagner. Eleanor has written books about ghost and paranormal experiences in her area as well as having paranormal experiences of her own. Plus she is a member of the Lady Ghostbuster Team paranormal investigators. Ghosts, dark and scary entities, Lady Ghostbusters and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Look for Eleanor’s books on Amazon, Ebay or www.authoreleanorwagner.com and listen to her podcast Eleanor Wagner’s Strange and Scary World.

Ep 164 -Who the Heck is Thor?

Ep 164-

This week on the podcast our guest is Margie Kay of UnX Media. Margie has so many stories to share since she has been seeing spirits her entire life. She not only communicates with ghosts, but also extraterrestrial beings, most notably the Venusian known as Valiant Thor. (Go check out unxmedia.com) Old men, young women, dark forces, friendly aliens and more on this weeks epic episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 163 -“There’s Nothing Wrong with Me”

Ep 163-

This week we are joined by psychic medium and all around peppy person, Robin Ella Barajas! Robin has shared some spooky tales from when she was younger as well as some stories from her professional practice. Phantom invaders, moving time pieces, suggestive spirits and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 162- “What Up?”

Ep 162-

This week our guest is Travis, one of the hosts of Ghosts In The Night podcast. Travis has a bit of a gift when it comes to sensing spirits. From his dad stomping around upstairs to someone whispering in his ear in a busy restaurant kitchen to livestreaming paranormal investigations, Travis has some great stories to share. Ghost dads, black orbs, disembodied voices singing 90s alternative pop songs and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 154- Cindy’s EVPs!

Ep 154-

She’s back! Cynthia Seer, host of the True Hauntings & Scary Stories podcast, returns and this time she brought some EVP recordings. That’s Electronic Voice Phenomenon to those outside the paranormal investigation neighborhood. Ghost voices! Join us as we listen and discuss these EVPs on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 151- “Not Even Worth Haunting”

Ep 151-

This week on the podcast, our guest is Cynthia Seer. Cindy is the host of True Hauntings & Scary Stories, a podcast that mixes true ghost stories and her own horror fiction. She brings with her stories of her grandparents super haunted (and historic) house in Florida as well as some other spooky encounters. Check out more of Cindy’s stories, both true and fictional, on her website www.truehauntings.com. Circus folk, murder, bed & breakfasts, movie theatre restrooms and more on this week’s spook filled episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY?Podcast!

Ep 147- “Girl Egon”

Ep 147-

This week on the podcast marks the return of our guest is Annie. She was a guest back in episode 97, sharing stories from a trip to New Orleans. This time she has some stories closer to home, or her parents’ home to be more accurate. Nightmare inducing family heirlooms, mystery barrels,a weeping angel, and some homemade ghost hunting tech on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 139- “Fortress of Solitude”

Episode 139- This week on the podcast our guest is Bob from Guthrie, Oklahoma. Guthrie is known as one of the most haunted towns in Oklahoma. Bob grew up in Guthrie and brings with him stories of exploring the abandoned building of an area of town known as “the Elbow.” Camping out in the desolite floodplain he had some interesting experiences. Plus Adam shares his recent discovery of the bizarre world of AI created people’s portraits and “side demons.” Urban exploration, abandoned buildings, haunted hometowns and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 135- “Prettier Than Dave” with Shane Pittman

Joining us this week is special guest SHANE PITTMAN! You might know Shane as the tech guy and investigator most likely to be sent to the scary basement or attic on Travel Channel’s the HOLZER FILES or as the host of the Rather Normal Paranormal Show podcast. We had a great time with Shane and a wonderful conversation discussing his lifelong interest in the paranormal. Plus Barry and Shane nerd out on recording equipment! All that and more on this week’s of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!