Ep 343- “They Come Find Me”

Ep 343-

Joining us this week is author and podcaster, Remington Keyes. Since his youth, Remi has been surrounded by strange, paranormal experiences. Unlike a lot of paranormal enthusiast, Remi doesn’t go out of his way to find spirits and ghosts… they find him! It could be in his bloodline too, as his family contains shaman, priest, and even skinwalkers (not that he will say that particular word.) So dodge those phantom cars, wave at your grannies ghost and pull out that one chair for the Jamaican spirit entity and join us for another super-natural episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 342- “The One and Only Barnaby Jones”

Ep 342-

This week we welcome back the one and only Barnaby Jones, researcher at CAPS (the Cryptids, Anomalies, and the Paranormal Society) as well as hosting the podcasts Whispers from the Dark and Untold Radio Network. Barnaby shares with us stories from his cryptid and paranormal research, including learning from the Turtle Man! Live Action! Plus we discuss the upcoming CAPS conference in May 2025. Join us on the trail of bigfoot and other anomalies in this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 301- “Am-I-the-Ass-H*le-Bride-420”

Ep 301-

Joining us from wild and woolly Florida, U.S.A., for this week’s episode is Erika (aka aitabride420). Erika spent the night at the infamous Lizzie Borden house when she was young, where both she and her father experienced some very unusual occurrences. Oh yeah, and there was a Ouija board involved. But Erika‘s stories don’t stop there, oh no! One of the wildest interviews we have had about a relationship going sour, happening at the very moment we were talking. It’s a spooky, mindboggling, hilarious, and at times intense episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 292- “Have You Seen the Old Man Yet?”

Ep 292-

Joining us this week is Tom Stewart, paranormal investigator and host of the podcast My Paranormal Story. Tom is a natural born storyteller and fortunately for us, he’s also had a hat load of creepy paranormal experiences. From sharing a haunted bedroom to exploring historic graveyards and more, Tom has got it all. So join us as we romp around New England for some good old spookiness on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 290- Bigfoot is Hyden with Barnaby Jones

Ep 290-

This week our guest is Barnaby Jones. No, not the 1970s TV detective, the real life writer, podcaster, cryptid hunter and paranormal investigator Barnaby Jones. What’s he bringing with him you may ask? Well, how about a haunted haunted attraction, a paranormal vortex, UFOs and BIGFOOT! Join us for the many incredible stories in this week’s power packed episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 289- I’m the Biddy Lady”

Ep 289-

Joining us from deep in the heart of Texas is Amy! With stories from being a 911 dispatch operator, weird life in Waco, and the creepy Biddy Lady, Amy has it all. Texas is a place full of high strangeness. Creepy child spirits, ghost tornado victims, Oprah, the FBI and more on this week’s Texas-sized episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 287- “Victim of Murphy’s Law”

Ep 287

This week’s guest, Gina Ramsey, is a self-described victim of Murphy’s Law. You know… “Anything that can go wrong, will.” Gina has found a way to laugh off the curve balls life tends to throw, and she collected them into a book titled Burnt Glovesboxes. Gina shares some of her stories and some of the spooky experiences as well. Special Correspondent and Master of Lists, Tilly, joins in the conversation as well on this week’s fantastic episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 285-“Zombie Amber Day!”

Ep 285-

Our guest this week from Boston, Mass. is Amber K. A self-described “Swamp Yankee,” Amber has been having weird experiences since the day she was born. LITERALLY. Amber is our people and our kind of weird. Join us for another fun conversation about living dead girls, spooky things and New England on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

EP 280-Weird News Round-Up 2023 part 1

Ep 280-

As the end of the year rapidly approaches, we take our traditional pause to reflect. Join hosts Adam & Barry as they share some of the weird news stories from the year 2023. Space, weird science, true crime stories and more populated the the newsfeed, and we cherrypicked some of our favorites. So join us as we look back at the weirdness that was the year 2023 on the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 273- “Not All Spirits Are Jerks” with Frances Ulman

Ep 273-

About a decade ago, this week’s guest’s life took a radical 180 degree turn. Frances Ulman was a clinical psychologist and staunch atheist when she start hearing voices. These voices were opening her up to the spirit world, and opening her eyes to the world at large. Join us as we talk with this globe hoping shaman and seeker of knowledge. Listen to her podcast Not All Spirits Are Jerks for even more of her adventures. Spirits, Shamen, trickster like guides and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!