Episode 124- Weird News Roundup 2020 part 1

A collection of weird news stories from the weirdest year ever.

Happy Almost New Year! We are inching up on the end of 2020, arguably the weirdest year on record, and PHEW! thank the deity of your choice for that! Show hosts Barry & Adam have collected some news stories from around the world. And these aren’t just regular news stories, they are weird news stories! No coronavirus. No Monoliths (you can listen to our Monolith special episode for that). Japanese robo wolves! UFO/UAPs! Loch Ness monster! Winged beasts! Celebrities! It’s a jam packed year end spectacular to say “so long 2020, don’t let the door hit you as you leave” here on the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast! Thanks for listening, let’s all have a happy new year!

Episode 121: Write-Ins & Writings

Episode 121

  This week on the podcast we have write in stories and a writer. Rudy from Texas shares a family story about a UFO encounter and Ori ( from episode 61 “Psst Psst Psst Psst”) updates us on the happenings in her house. 

  Plus, we speak to past guest Brandon Robbins (from way back in episode 10 ” Supernatural Meth”) about his debut novel, Mr. Haunt. If you like horror fiction, this is right up your dark and creepy alley. 

  Ghost, UFOs and novel idea on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Episode 120 – Dave Schrader: Hot Smurf Dot Com

A conversation with paranormal investigator, TV host, radio and podcast legend DAVE SCHRADER.

Woah! This week on the podcast we are excited to have as our guest Dave Schrader from Darkness Radio and the Travel Channel’s Holzer Files! Dave graciously gave us an hour or so of his time and we had a great conversation. Basically, every day is touched by the weird for Dave. From ghost investigations to his radio/podcasting career to bare foot forest Jesus and cheating on the ACT, this episode has got it all! So join us for this week’s fluggelhopher blowing episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Follow Dave, Shane and Cindy’s adventures diving into the HOLZER FILES on the Travel Channel.

Listen to Dave on the paranormal and more on DarknessRadio.com


Episode 119 – “Most Hexcellent (Dead Crow Energy)”

 conversations with Gina & Danielle from the Most Hexcellent Podcast

This week our guest are Gina & Danielle, host of the true crime & all things paranormal comedy podcast MOST HEXCELLENT. Both Gina & Danielle have some great spooky stories to share. We are talking hauntings, ghosts and a grandmother who made a pact with the Devil! (No…really!) We had a great conversation with the hosts of a fun podcast about all the things we love. (Seriously, check them out.) Demon grannies, psychic mothers, dead birds smoking cigars and much more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Episode 117 – “Haunted A F”

This week on the podcast, Adam and Barry are joined by Andrew, creator/writer/publisher of the zine STRANGE DAYS. From childhood memories of growing up in a haunted house to discussions of ancient history, things that go bump in the night and all the weird mysterious things that fascinate and beguile us, we had a great conversation. And follow his Instagram @strangedayszine where you can learn more about the STRANGE DAYS zine and more! Strange days indeed on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!


Episode 116- 3rd Semi-Annual Write-In Special: No Nuts

 Brand New Write-In Stories From Past Guests & True Crime News

It’s that time again. Time for the 3rd Semi-Annual Write-In Special! Past Guests of the show have sent us emails, text messages and carrier pigeons with new stories! Not only that, but they included photos and videos! (Available to view on our Instagram and Facebook pages.) And if there are write-in stories, you know we are joined by our Special Correspondent, Resident Bigfoot Expert and Voice of the Listeners, Jeff Hubbard! Jeff has brought his on special interest true crime story as well. Poltergeist, light formations, UFOs, orbs and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!
Go to our Instagram @whatsyerweirdstory for video. 

Episode 115 – “My Grampa Ghost”

This week on the podcast we have some great ghostly tales for you to enjoy. Past guest Brandy with some spooky stories of the haunted houses she has lived in over the years. From dark shadows and spectral little girls to ghost cats and grampas, there is a lot going on. Not all ghosts are scary and some are downright nice. Join us for a phantom-tastic episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!


Episode 114 -“A Few Words of Ghost Advice”

 Meet Krissy, Ghost Hunter and Medium

Happy Halloween Weirdsville! This week our guest is Krissy Kloke, a paranormal investigator, ghost hunter and medium. It’s not everyday that the spirit of a dead stranger comes tapping on your shoulder while you are trying to do the grocery shopping. And it’s not everyday that said ghost pesters you to go deliver a message from beyond the grave to a stranger also buying some bread. Not unless you are a medium like Krissy! It’s a great Halloween episode with spooky stories and fun on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Episode 113- “Uh Oh, Someone Doesn’t Like This!”

 A mother & daughter get visited at a cemetery.

This week on the podcast our guest are a mother & daughter from South Carolina. Patty & Ashley decided to pay a visit to a local cemetery to take some photos and in turn, they were paid a visit as well. Even though they were spooked, they continued to go back. And things continued to happen! A truly spooky story gearing us up for Halloween. Adam & Barry are also joined by Special Correspondent & Official Reddit Weirdo Bobby on this week’s spoopy episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Episode 112 – “A Lot of Bad Things Happen in Bathrooms”

 A bizarre unknown creature darts across the road late at night. An evil presence at the gate. Strange lights in the sky. Disembodied voices. And a haunted bathroom? These are the stories brought to us by this week’s guest Gabby from Florida. Along with our storyteller we are introducing our newest Special Correspondent & Resident Reddit Weirdo – Bobbi! (Bobbi was also a guest on episode 99 of the podcast.) We had a great conversation & it’s another example of how talking about these stories often unlock other weird, hard-to-explain stories in memories. Plus co-host Adam tells about the time the cows got loose. All that and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.