Episode 73 “Ghost Fist”

Haunted houses, Ghost assault, UFOs. past lives and a chatty cat.  This week’s episode is like a paranormal mixtape. Our guest Chris has a fantastic assortment of stories, from hauntings and ghosts to UFOs and past life dreams. Buckle for a wild ride. All that and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 69- “Crazy Town Awesome”d

   This week our guest Shannon has had an interesting life, with some interesting experiences.Starting from a young age he has witnessed a number of weird and unusual things. 
    Like what? you may ask. Well, how about a visitation from a deceased grandmother? What about the time he was whisked away to visit a friends parents, by the ghost of his friend? Or his mischievous, mysterious double/doppelganger who family and friends would see and hear when he was outside of the room?   
   You want more? No sweat, we got all that and more on this week’s jam packed episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!  


Episode 58: “F*ck You Ghost, I’m Out!”

Episode 58

Bears, monkeys, grampa, deer, a little man, dreams, deja vu, a UFO, a ghost in the TV and a Yebel Rankee. OH MY! 
  Our buddy Shawn from North Carolina returns this week to the podcast. Shawn has been listening to past episodes of the WYWS podcast and he’s been taking notes. Notes for weird stories from the darkest parts of his memories that got shook loose and resurfaced. 
   And he’s got a lot of them! A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a little bit more from that guy who “didn’t have any real weird experiences.” All that and so much more on this week’s DOUBLE LENGTH episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast.

Episode 11- “Definitely Episode 11”

      This week we have a double header with two guest! Chris kicks off the show with stories of strange coincidence, possibly prophetic dreams and a beef with Rose McGowan. (Sorta.) Then Greg brings us tales about a dark shadow encounter, a little high school magic and Bloody Mary!
*As a bonus and a thank you for being on the show, we have included a link to Greg’s band’s soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/lake-disney

These photos have nothing to do with the stories on this week’s double-header episode, but they are weird. These photos are examples of a popular Victorian era trend of bizarre headless or detached head portraits. In those pre-Photoshop days, the manipulation was all done by hand. Why were these so popular? Who knows, maybe it has something to do with the still fairly new art of photography. But they sure are delightfully weird.

Episode 4 is out now! “That’s a Sweet Gesture From a Biker”

Dreams, dads, and Biker Dave.
’nuff said!
Episode 4, in which we discuss dreams, dads, and late night visits. Our guest Jordan starts off with stories of lucid dreaming and precognitive dreams. Barry shares another story, this time of a late night visit from his neighbor, Biker Dave.
Actually, we also want to say thanks for listening. Don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review on iTunes, ApplePod, or wherever you get your podcasts. This helps us get noticed and grow our audience. We can’t do it with out you!