Ep 341- “Shadow Man in the Window”

Ep 341-

Sometimes those shadows dancing on your bedroom wall in the night are just shadows. But sometimes, as our guest Gabriella (host of the NEXUS OF NARRATIVES podcast) rediscovered from childhood memories, they are something more terrifying. For years she wrote off these childhood memories as just kid stuff, until she discovered a podcast about Shadow People and her world was reopened to that other, more mysterious side. The side of life we in WEIRDSVILLE are all too familiar with, as many of us live there too. Plus, Barry has a surprise encounter with an NBA legend. Join us for another spooky, sensational, supernatural episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 331- “If You Put To It”

Ep 331-

This week’s guest, TJ Moon, had it rough from the start. Born with cerebral palsy, abandoned at a McDonald’s at age 7, and lost in the foster system for years. Fortune began to change as he and his half brother were adopted into the same family. Encouraged to follow his dreams and told he can do anything he put his mind to, TJ graduated college, began several businesses and became a author and motivational speaker. An inspirational conversation with a remarkable young man on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 322- “My Dad Must Be Reptilian” Q & A with Gloria Haas and Special Correspondent Tilly

Ep 322-

This week’s episode is a little bit different than our usual format. Returning guest Gloria Haas is here to answer a list of questions from our Special Correspondent and Master of Lists, Tilly. Some great conversations are had and new stories and information shared by both Gloria and Tilly. Is Tilly‘s dad a reptilian? Why would she think such a thing? These questions and more are answered on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 317- Penny Johnson & the Oracle of UR

Ep 317-

Here on the podcast, we find past lives and reincarnation to be fascinating subjects. And fortunately enough, this week’s guest, Penny Johnson, is all too familiar with the subject. A few years into her spiritual journey, Penny found herself have strange visions and dreams of past times and other people’s lives. She became increasingly aware that these other people’s lives were also her own. And not all of these lives were human. Join us for a truly unique conversation from the land down under on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 316- “Dreamwalker” with Tanja James

Ep 316-

Our guest this week is Tanja James, self-proclaimed Dreamwalker. Tanja is also a spirit advisor, alchemist, poet, and multidimensional being. Tanja has had an interesting path in her spiritual journey. Her dream abilities alone are incredible; from premonitions to astral projection to viewing timelines and beyond! Join us for an extra long, extra deep episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 313- “Buried Alive In My Sleep” with Paul Bright

Ep 313-

Joining us this week is sleep expert and author Paul Bright. Paul has had an interesting life and cherry picked a few of his favorite stories to share. It’s a grab bag ranging from a near death experience as a child, a brush with fame as a karaoke rock star, and terrifying sleep paralysis. Plus a fascinating discussion on the science of sleep and dreams. So slide into your pajamas and puff your pillow, crank up some “My Own Worst Enemy” and rock out to this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 304- “I Can Read Your Mind” with Sarah Itkin

Ep 304-

Joining us this week from Denver, Colorado is psychic medium, angel channel, ThetaHealing Practitioner, and psychic trainer, Sarah Itkin. After a terrifying dream that came true, Sarah began her journey into psychic discovery. Using her background as a therapist, Sarah launched her career as a medium, channeler and psychic trainer to help others develop their own skills. Plus, cohost Adam expresses his love for Godzilla! Another fascinating conversation on a myriad of topics on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 299- “People I Don’t Like, I’m Going to Haunt”

Ep 299-

This week our guest is Darren Hembrow, a former Police Officer from Wales. Darren has had a lifetime of weird experiences. From hearing phantom footsteps in his childhood home and seeing mysterious hooded figures, to having psychic dreams, chasing UFOs and seeing 80 foot tall angels, Darren and his family have a connection to the other side. Plus an heartfelt discussion of bereavement, death, suicide and dying. It’s another fascinating episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 293- “Skimming Leaves On a Pond”

Ep 293-

Joining us from across the pond is this week’s guest, David Oliver. From an early age, David has been having unusual brushes with the paranormal. A reoccurring dream from childhood revealed itself to be a past life during hypnosis. A chance encounter at a new age bookstore turned into a life changing experience with reiki. And that’s just in the first 20 minutes of a fascinating conversation touching on a number of subjects. So join us for this week’s enlightening episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 292- “Have You Seen the Old Man Yet?”

Ep 292-

Joining us this week is Tom Stewart, paranormal investigator and host of the podcast My Paranormal Story. Tom is a natural born storyteller and fortunately for us, he’s also had a hat load of creepy paranormal experiences. From sharing a haunted bedroom to exploring historic graveyards and more, Tom has got it all. So join us as we romp around New England for some good old spookiness on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!