Ep 344- “Green Day’s Not Classic Rock”

Ep 344-

Joining us this week is author and podcaster Gina Ramsey. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because Gina is another return guest to these here Weirdsville parts. Gina has write a sequel to her humorous anthology Burnt Gloveboxes book as well as starting the podcast Laugh Lines and Turbulence. Someone has been opening doors in Gina‘s new house, and playing tricks. Who is Rita? Plus we have a conversation about growing old; maybe gracefully, maybe not. And for the record: Green Day is not classic rock! It’s another classic episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 343- “They Come Find Me”

Ep 343-

Joining us this week is author and podcaster, Remington Keyes. Since his youth, Remi has been surrounded by strange, paranormal experiences. Unlike a lot of paranormal enthusiast, Remi doesn’t go out of his way to find spirits and ghosts… they find him! It could be in his bloodline too, as his family contains shaman, priest, and even skinwalkers (not that he will say that particular word.) So dodge those phantom cars, wave at your grannies ghost and pull out that one chair for the Jamaican spirit entity and join us for another super-natural episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 342- “The One and Only Barnaby Jones”

Ep 342-

This week we welcome back the one and only Barnaby Jones, researcher at CAPS (the Cryptids, Anomalies, and the Paranormal Society) as well as hosting the podcasts Whispers from the Dark and Untold Radio Network. Barnaby shares with us stories from his cryptid and paranormal research, including learning from the Turtle Man! Live Action! Plus we discuss the upcoming CAPS conference in May 2025. Join us on the trail of bigfoot and other anomalies in this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 341- “Shadow Man in the Window”

Ep 341-

Sometimes those shadows dancing on your bedroom wall in the night are just shadows. But sometimes, as our guest Gabriella (host of the NEXUS OF NARRATIVES podcast) rediscovered from childhood memories, they are something more terrifying. For years she wrote off these childhood memories as just kid stuff, until she discovered a podcast about Shadow People and her world was reopened to that other, more mysterious side. The side of life we in WEIRDSVILLE are all too familiar with, as many of us live there too. Plus, Barry has a surprise encounter with an NBA legend. Join us for another spooky, sensational, supernatural episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 338- “It’s Gonna End Weird”

Ep 338-

Our guest this week is Bree, who was a guest in the early days of the podcast. All the way back in episode 72 “Your Friend’s Cold Heart,” Bree shared some freakin’ spooky stories from when she was living in her friend’s haunted house. Now she is back with follow ups to those stories and more supernatural activities. Oh! it’s a spine tingling episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 330- “Shhh… Something’s Here”

Ep 330-

Returning from episode 323 is Rachel Dalton! As you may recall, Rachel is the host of the podcast Wine, Dine, and 69. Last time, Rachel shared some very interesting, racy stories. This time, however, she’s come to scare your socks off! Spooky shadows, feelings of dread, a very unnerving stranger and more on this week’s classic spooky episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 318- “Looking at People, Looking at the Sky”

Ep 318-

UFOs! Ghosts! Spirituality! An unusually chatty dog! All these and more as we talk with Spiritual Mentor, Activator and children’s book author, Valeria Martiza! It’s another fascinating and fantastic conversation on the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 317- Penny Johnson & the Oracle of UR

Ep 317-

Here on the podcast, we find past lives and reincarnation to be fascinating subjects. And fortunately enough, this week’s guest, Penny Johnson, is all too familiar with the subject. A few years into her spiritual journey, Penny found herself have strange visions and dreams of past times and other people’s lives. She became increasingly aware that these other people’s lives were also her own. And not all of these lives were human. Join us for a truly unique conversation from the land down under on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 309- “Tu Tia Bruja”

Ep 309-

Joining us from Tequila. Mexico is American ex-pat, café owner and podcaster Bex Carlos, a.k.a. BexBeCasting! Our friend is a self described “witchy aunt” and host of the podcast Tu Tia Bruja. Bex informed us about Tequila (the city and the drink) and shared some incredible stories about her family and their connection to the supernatural realm. So grab some shot glasses if you are daring and join us for this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 307- “Another Time I Shouldn’t Be Here”

Ep 307-

This week’s guest was present at two of the 21st century’s most infamous tragedies. Host of the Aligned Alchemist podcast, Sunita has led a life incredible coincidence or terribly bad timing. Sunita was working in the World Trade Center on 9/11 and also at the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas the day of the deadliest mass shooting on American soil. It’s been a life of seemingly close calls. Incredible stories of historic events, travel, car wrecks, angels and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!