Ep 185 – “What Happens at Grandma’s…”

Ep 185 –

He’s back! Our Special Correspondent, Resident Bigfoot Expert and Voice of the Listener, Jeff Hubbard! And as per usual he’s brought his mailbag with him to read some stories written by listeners Vickie Simpson, Cecilio Perez, and Crash Adams. it’s an episode full of spooky stories and our trademark meandering stream of conversation. Join us for some thrills, chills, and laughs on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 184 – “Talk To The Animals”

Ep 184-

This week our guest is Brittany AC of Living Miracles Sanctuary. Brittany is an animal lover, rescuer and parent. She also has the gift of being able to communicate to animals, both live and dead. Brittany’s goal is to help animals in need as well as aiding in the healing process after a pet has passed. Reincarnated pets, animal spirits, wonderful pets and more on this week’s pet friendly episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 183 – Children’s Paranormal Romance

Ep 183-

Our guest this week is author, podcast host & paranormal investigator Eleanor Wagner. Eleanor has written books about ghost and paranormal experiences in her area as well as having paranormal experiences of her own. Plus she is a member of the Lady Ghostbuster Team paranormal investigators. Ghosts, dark and scary entities, Lady Ghostbusters and more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Look for Eleanor’s books on Amazon, Ebay or www.authoreleanorwagner.com and listen to her podcast Eleanor Wagner’s Strange and Scary World.

Ep 179 – “Podcasting At It’s Finest”

Ep 179-

Joining us on this episode is holistic healer and psychic medium Angel Shamsa. She’s also a podcaster too, hosting Angel Universal and Stoned N’ Social. Angel shares an incredible story of an epic afternoon where she started out helping a friend’s dog potty and ended up manifesting her medium channeling powers. Visions, bats in a jar and spirit energies in the Pacific North West on this week’s insightful episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 159 – “Alien Version of the Ouija Board”

Ep 159-

This week on the podcast it’s a Two-for-Tuesday! Two guest sharing some really cool stories. First is Andrew and his eerie tale of ghosts in the deserts of Israel! (Andrew has a couple of podcast too, check below for links) Then Special Correspondent and Resident Social Media Weirdo Bobbi returns with some more high strangeness in her apartment! Plus there’s an app that let’s you communicate with aliens? All that and more on this week’s double-your-pleasure-double-your-fun episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Check out Andrew’s podcasts:

Dugongs and Sea Dragons –
a live gaming podcast featuring an international collection of nerdy-ass marine biologists playing Dungeons and Dragons. They drink and they roll things!


Ocean Science Radio –
 a joint project between Andrew Kornblatt, founder and host of the Online Ocean Symposium, and Naomi Frances Farabaugh of FIU.


Ep 156 – “She’s Cold”

Ep 156-

This week our guest is Justin Mason,host of the Creative Percussion Podcast and the Drum Shop Podcast. Justin grew up in rural Alabama in a family full of gift of seeing spirits. He’s got more ghost stories than you can shake a drumstick at and he’s sharing them with us. Shadow beings, hungry ghosts, cold ghosts and much more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Don’t forget to go check out both the Creative Percussion Podcast and the Drum Shop Podcast!

Ep 138-“Summer’s Guardian Angel”

Ep 138-

This week we are joined by proud dad Mark. After seeing one of our post on Facebook, Mark messaged us with a story he said he can’t quite explain. It’s a spooky story unlike any we have heard before. What’s that running down the hallway? A ghost? A figment of “Dad Psychology”? Something more? Tune in & find out on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Episode 83 “The Extraordinary Within the Ordinary”

Angels, Demons, Root Doctors & Philip K. Dick’n around with Micah S. Harris!

   We hope everyone is safe in self isolation. This week we have the return of author & friend-of-the-show Micah S. Harris. Micah has collected a few stories and like anytime he visits the conversation starts to meander into all sorts of places. 
Plus Micah has a new novel out, which we discuss. Angels, demons, root doctors, Philip K. Dick and so much more on this week’s eclectic episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Micah’s book can be found here Portrait of a Snow Queen and Micah’s website https://minorprofitpress.com/

Ep 63- V-Man Strong

   It’s Hammer time! 
   This week on the podcast, the boys talk to Josh Hayes, a.k.a. Hammer, another old friend of Adam. Hammer has a ton of interesting and weird stories. His family has a history of spirituality, visions, and connections beyond the veil. He also has some great stories about being an American kid growing up in Iceland. 
   Josh also dropped by for a cause, his newborn son VincentVincent was born with some medical issues, and we are hoping to spread the word to help the little guy out. (details below) Angels, demons, ghosts, Iceland and the Hammer. All that and more in this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast. #

HELP VINCENT/V-MAN! Please help with donations or spreading the word about this special little guy.
The Brave NICU Adventure of V-Man https://www.facebook.com/vman.strong/
Go Fund Me for V-Man

Hammer feeding V-Man.
V-Man’s first smile pic. That’s a great smile.
V-Man’s first Halloween. A born hero!

Episode 2 “You Might Be Crazy, But We Are Too” is out now!

In this episode we take a trip back to our hometown for a story of a mysterious stranger from Jessica, and co-host Barry has a story about seeing something in the sky with his dad when he was a kid, prompting co-host Adam to ask his trademark question “Did it have a discernible shape?”

The late 19th century the spiritualism movement 
and the relatively new medium of photography 
created a fad spirit photography in which 
photographers would superimpose “ghostly”
 images over other images.