Ep 137- “ABCD EFG”

This week on the podcast, our friend from the Great White North, Wendy returns! We love it when guests ask to return and share more stories. Wendy brings with her a load of spooky stories from the times she lived in two different haunted houses! And as it tends to happen, we wander into a great conversation on a number subjects. Spooky mirrors, spectral footsteps, ghostly sing-a-longs and much more on this week’s episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 136- “Did You Say ‘Disk’ Shaped?”

This week on the podcast, Adam & Barry are joined by Special Correspondent & Resident Reddit Weirdo Bobbi for some cool sightings and out-of-this-world conversation. Bobbi shares a story from her parents spotting several glowing orbs in the night sky moving in an unearthly fashion. Bobbi also leads a discussion on Havard’s top astronomer Avi Loeb‘s book Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth and the mysterious object Oumuamua. Plus, Adam recounts a daytime sighting of a couple of unusual objects in the sky as well. All that and our new, easier to remember email address ( wywspod@gmail.com ) on this week’s spaced out episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast?

Ep 135- “Prettier Than Dave” with Shane Pittman

Joining us this week is special guest SHANE PITTMAN! You might know Shane as the tech guy and investigator most likely to be sent to the scary basement or attic on Travel Channel’s the HOLZER FILES or as the host of the Rather Normal Paranormal Show podcast. We had a great time with Shane and a wonderful conversation discussing his lifelong interest in the paranormal. Plus Barry and Shane nerd out on recording equipment! All that and more on this week’s of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 134- “Abducted and Furious”

This week on the podcast, we are joined by Lisa O’Hara. Lisa has an incredible story of a lifetime of abduction by alien beings. She wrote the book Abducted & Furious: How I Fought Back and How You Can Too recounting her experiences and what she has done to reclaim her life. It’s an amazing tale of you won’t want to miss! Abduction, giant insect beings, secret military projects, psychic experiments and more on this week’s intense episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!

Ep 133- “Aliens Walking Their Dog”

This week’s episode has got it all!

Our guest Joe from California has got so many stories! It all started with a daylight encounter with a Sasquatch, and from there he opened up his vaults! Bigfoot! Amityville! UFOs! True Crime! Prescience! and we just scratched the surface! Plus hosts Adam & Barry describe their dream meals! Amazing stories and great conversation on this week’s eclectic episode of the WHAT’S YER WEIRD STORY? Podcast!