Episode 5- “A Pocket Knife & a Potato

This week our guest is Justin Little of the band One Trip Little. Justin has some stories from the road. Let me tell you, life in a touring band sure can get weird!

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Episode 4 is out now! “That’s a Sweet Gesture From a Biker”

Dreams, dads, and Biker Dave.
’nuff said!
Episode 4, in which we discuss dreams, dads, and late night visits. Our guest Jordan starts off with stories of lucid dreaming and precognitive dreams. Barry shares another story, this time of a late night visit from his neighbor, Biker Dave.
Actually, we also want to say thanks for listening. Don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review on iTunes, ApplePod, or wherever you get your podcasts. This helps us get noticed and grow our audience. We can’t do it with out you!

Episode 3 – “Dude. It was Just a Weird House”

This week we are joined by co-host Barry’s bandmate Ryan Joyce. Ryan tells us about growing up in a haunted house and an eerie early morning visit.

Episode 2 “You Might Be Crazy, But We Are Too” is out now!

In this episode we take a trip back to our hometown for a story of a mysterious stranger from Jessica, and co-host Barry has a story about seeing something in the sky with his dad when he was a kid, prompting co-host Adam to ask his trademark question “Did it have a discernible shape?”

The late 19th century the spiritualism movement 
and the relatively new medium of photography 
created a fad spirit photography in which 
photographers would superimpose “ghostly”
 images over other images. 

Where to Listen and Download

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Now you can listen to every episode right here on the website!

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photo by Adam Beeby